Welcome to the Birdhouse
A blog for the WildBird community to learn babywearing tips, parenting hacks, & stay up to date on all things WildBird.

Why the ring sling? What makes it so great?
The ring sling is the easiest and quickest way to wear your baby. The fabric is short and manageable; as it never needs to touch the ground, it’s m...
Are ring slings safe?
Yes! Our greatest concern is the safety of you and your baby. WildBird slings are made from the highest quality aluminum rings and fabric available...
How soon can I start to wear my baby in the sling?
Most newborns can be worn right away. If your baby has health challenges, or weighs less than 8lbs, you should discuss babywearing with your health...
What’s the weight limit for wearing my baby in a WildBird sling?
We recommend wearing your baby up to a maximum of 35lbs.
Is the sling portable?
Yes, it can easily be folded and fitted inside a diaper bag or purse.